

Class of 2025

Senior Events Calendar 



Join us for Breakfast!


Senior Breakfast dates:

September 20th - Chic Fil-A, Fruit, Ice Coffee

October 25th

November 22nd

December 6th








Senior Class of 2025!




Class of 2025 Parents,

Wasn’t kindergarten orientation just last week?!?  Now it’s time to make great memories for the incredible Class of 2025, and the Senior Events Package is the first step – read on!

The Senior Events Package is $85 and includes the following for your 2025 Warrior:

  1. Custom-designed ‘Class of 2025’ T-shirt
  2. Senior yard sign
  3. Special events throughout the year (for example:  Senior breakfasts, food trucks, Senior Week)
  4. A membership for the year with the WHS PTSO (Thank you for your support)
  • Email reminders sent prior to each Senior Event (1st event in September)
  • Reminders displayed at school for 2025 Warriors 

There may be a few surprises along the way – stay tuned! Participating is easy, but please follow these step by step instructions closely.  Every year we have parents who pay for the package, but never actually sign up with student name and shirt size:


Watch this video for step-by-step instructions, then follow the items in order below:


  1. Click here to order your senior package: Senior Events Package
    • Please sign up by August 8th to assure t-shirts are in as soon as possible.  (If you register after this date you will likely receive your shirt and sign after the start of school.)
    • Complete the Senior Events form and follow the prompts to place your order. 
    • Enter Student name and shirt size and ADD QTY 1 or you will error out. (The qty button is on the right side of screen) 
    • Hit save, continue and it takes you back to the main page.
    • Go to the top of the page and click on your cart to checkout -You can pay by credit card in this system using Paypal, you do not need a PayPal account to use this feature!  Hit CONFIRM and you will immediately receive an email confirming your order.  If you choose to pay with Venmo you have to separately go to Venmo and pay the PTSO. (Venmo Code @WHSPTSO), but be sure to come back to the PTSO page and hit the PLACE ORDER button. Again you will receive an immediate email confirmation.
    • You do not need to complete a separate form for the PTSO membership, as your package already includes it.
  1. Volunteer/Donate food or event items along the way to keep costs down
    • Sign Up Genius will be sent out monthly for each event
    • Pay via PayPal (QR below) or Venmo (@WHSPTSO or QR below) or click QUICK PAY tab on webpage

For any questions on the Senior Event Package, please email Rachel at or Donetta at  


GO Warriors!


Rachel Patteson

Donetta Dufrene

WHS Senior Event Co-Chairs 



Your purchase includes a PTSO membership!

Senior Events Package